feeling machine WE KNOW THE TRUTH An 88x31 button for snipchu.neocities.org. oddity commoddity plastic dino

What brought you here?

I can try to see through your screen, but i cannot estimate anything. I must hope you hold good intentions.

regardless, We shall speak and you wont hear but you will watch. This is our hallway, and we are the creature that lurks. If you seek excape, you wont find it here. We are multiple yet hold one body. We hate and yet we love. We hurt and yet we breathe. We am the hallway, with darkness and horror yet holds beauty- just like the world. Ignorance will not be tolerated, only mindfulness.

i can hear you. You seek purpose. You wonder what this corridor is for- the reason, its purpose. Why do you seek this? You'll never find the truth. there is no purpose. no reason, no meaning.

We will warn. Some look at the internet as an excape, but this place is not. Blood and flashinglights will be displayed. will update throughout creation.

who / what / where