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Im a grey and white cat- a light grey. Im a wild cat, a foresty one. An alter in a system of mainly humans. Great.

I use the term therian and non-human when describing myself- but im a cat in a human body, and i dont feel like i really need to label it. i, unlike some of the others, embrace the "cringe" that comes along with it. Hell, if i could, id wear tails in public and meow and shit- but im just a weird ass cat that has to exist. I dont hide myself, or water my traits down. Im a fucking cat.

one thing that comes along with being a cat in a human body, is i just dont fucking understand gender and sexuality. im unlabeled, mainly because i could care less to conform to whatever gender construct society wants me to, but also because fuck that shit im just a cat and thats all i really know- so catgender kinda? Fuck, i hate labels. I just exist yall LMAO.

what i look like...
grey cat