its not just us

there are those who walk among us, their souls given a second chance. They go by the term "Alterhuman", or other things. Souls that once werent a human. They could of been anything, but, they once held a life as something else. Someone else.

Those found in their first life are not uncommon. There is a beginning for everyone. Do not undermind them for it. And some find connection to specific lives more then others, and some's mind might of blocked their past lives away. Not everyone gets to remember. But nothing can be lost, and anything can be created.

We are different, sadly. Many creatures inhabit this body due to events id rather not discuss. Each one will help this site grow, change, and maybe even have dedicated pages. But we are here, and we will refer to ourselves in the third person most of the time.

If you must refer to us, do use they/it and plurally. We arent like most, and we like it that way.

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